On the 31st January 1984, Ann awoke to realise that she was going to have this baby. The fear she felt must have been palpable but she still even remembered to get a pair of scissors to cut the umbilical cord later. Having left the house early Ann scurried around to find somewhere to have the child, on her own. Ending up in the Grotto of the local church in Granard, a small cou...
Ian-hky 2023-10-07
7/10 #IRFF23 “She was only fifteen.”“Why didn’t she ask for ****?”1984年爱尔兰真实**改编,压抑的家庭和社会背景下造就的**悲剧。
耐观影-Xavier 2022-11-19
#塔林主竞赛# 同类题材近两年太多了,很容易审美疲劳