新电影集合为您提供Other, Like Me,在线点播,迅雷下载。
The grey and depressing British industrial town Hull was a suitable place for a nihilistic avant-garde collective, which at the end of the 1970s aggressively confronted every conceivable taboo: ***, pornography, violence and self-mutilation. But COUM Transmissions was only the beginning. Led by the artists Genesis P-Orridge and Cosey Fanni Tutti, COUM soon mutated into the visi...
钢筋混泥土 2023-12-26
原来coum全称是“Cosmic Organicism of the Universal Molecular ”控制“短路”,控制控制,他们不主张什么,只是把人们不愿谈论的问题翻出来,TG为什么能成功,因为他们不光有着极高的思想觉悟和眼界,还有放手去做的行**,简直酷到没朋友
Lady Midnight 2022-03-05
事无巨细的艺术小组沉浮录 忠告世人: You don't need permission! / 强烈速度感的重奏式口述剪辑 观感极佳 #DocFortnight
faku0 2023-10-21
indulging generation, love young sexy Cosey
improper 2024-03-18
none of us accepted what we were told...
喵刀 2023-10-23
很喜欢Gen对“我们”的形容:微型垮掉派。更多意味着COUM对着观众表演的东西,尽心的成为一处将轨迹放置的微小的场景,与赫尔行人工作日匆忙反复的步伐相较是如此短命的声响与动作,不过,正如多年后Throbbing Gristle的四人重新站上舞台时惊讶于自己的影响,台下的众人,男女老少,各行各职,也会惊叹于一种生活在当下的“伟大”方式,与彻底舒展开姿态时所感到的愉悦,未曾被坚定言说的“只是相信”,即便言说它更是在呼唤毁灭。音象俱佳,剪辑偶尔在生涯的**左右失速