Nolan Ryan’s numbers tell a story, but numbers alone do not capture his essence. Flash-points have emblazoned him onto our sub-conscience: like pitching with his jersey covered in blood. Running a cattle ranch during the off-season. The iconic brawl where Ryan walloped the 20 years younger Robin Ventura. Despite mythical moments and statistical brilliance, Ryan’s career is a st...
暴力卡車 2024-09-20
剛夠及格水平的職業生涯高光介紹片 給我印象最深的是Ruth Ryan極富魅力的聲線 優雅而又有活力 聽上去仿佛只有三十五歲 採訪的大咖不少 但實在聽不到什麼乾貨 就怪可惜的
原味乱码** 2022-03-13
SXSW 2022. 跟诺兰本人和主创看完了。还行,但剧情有些太平铺直叙了
MuyBien 2022-11-28