新电影集合为您提供María Luisa Bemberg: El eco de mi voz,在线点播,迅雷下载。
《María Luisa Bemberg: El eco de mi voz》又名María Luisa Bemberg: The Echo of My Voice。
María Luisa Bemberg was born into the highest echelons of Argentina’s society. Her family founded Quilmes, the nation’s biggest brewery, which expanded into a multinational. Bemberg, home-schooled by the best teachers and tutors, grew up in a social bubble. And she never made a secret of this, in as far as many of her films are set in the upper classes of different eras and nar...
L'llariit 2021-12-17
声音的收集和再储存,María Luisa Bemberg及其电影为研究对象出版的书不少,没有采取另辟蹊径的组织方式难以局部深入,我倒是更感兴趣Alejandro Maci在搜集材料时有没有“失而复得”,她前两部电影的政治性话题是见仁见智的,补:**者列出**ñora de nadie的三宗罪,上映第二天各报纸争相报道出兵收复马岛;yo,la peor de todas中17世纪古装戏在室内拍摄,一种“de-nun”处理;camila原定饰演者是更年轻的西班牙人,结合她下部最具自传色彩的英语作品,如何提升海外传播影响力是一生命题(隔壁有另一位女导演Helena Solberg)