This is a sad story about how a talented entrepreneur failed business 101
C 2018-01-26
虽说不是一部严谨的技术史,却是一部动人的human story。结尾让人感动至深:“A child was asked whether he preferred radio to television, and he said 'radio,' and the father said 'why,' and the child answer 'because the picture is better.'"
jojo在长毛象 2020-11-15
This is a sad story about how a talented entrepreneur failed business 101
C 2018-01-26
虽说不是一部严谨的技术史,却是一部动人的human story。结尾让人感动至深:“A child was asked whether he preferred radio to television, and he said 'radio,' and the father said 'why,' and the child answer 'because the picture is better.'"
谢谢 2012-09-21
暮空 2018-09-07
BabyBlue 2014-09-17
举世瞩目的成就必定伴随着友情的背叛和分崩离析。出身和理想决定人生。Howard Armstrong有我最倾心的那种人生:出身好,藐视权威,爱冒险,长情,最后还**了。perfect