High in the French Alps, Jacky Caillou lives with his grandmother, Gisèle, a magnetizer-healer recognized by all. As Gisèle begins to pass on her gift, a young woman arrives from the **** to consult. A strange stain spreads over her body. Certain that he will be able to heal her, Jacky runs after the miracle.
胤祥 2022-05-25
#2022 Marché du Film Online# ACID入围。7分。La Femis毕业导演的长片首作,挺有意思的奇幻片(狼人)……开头声音用得蛮好的不过后面重点就不在声音上面了。
哪呢喜欢 2023-01-17
的 覅 哦付过款off 哦融入 偶然的哦哦当然
Q影誌 2022-06-21
#戛纳线上 ACID 女主角果然灵的,可以和Louise Chevillotte媲美了。本片比她主演的另一部《** Nuit》好得多。当然,她在两部中表现都很优秀。
云的耳朵 2022-05-24
一场差不多完全昏睡的电影…(但是戛纳没错 错的只能是我品味不高
乔治洗衣机 2022-11-06
#39.FFT# the bees' time has ended, ended, ended... 召唤与被召唤 结尾的“神迹”更是elsa给jacky的最后拯救;今年到现在为止还没踩雷甚至让我不太适应…当然也感觉自己观影心态变化非常大 w/ Paul