From the Peabody Award-winning creators of "American Vandal," Tony Yacenda and Dan Perrault, PLAYERS is a comedic documentary-style series that follows a fictional pro League of Legends esports team, as they pursue their first championship after years of close calls and heartache. To win it all, they will need their prodigy, a 17-year-old rookie, and their 27-year-old veteran t...
三价铜离子 2022-07-03
那个机翻大哥,league of legends有没有可能是 《英雄**》
xxxxxxY 2022-06-30
《玩家》是一部喜剧纪录片风格的系列剧,讲述了一支虚构的职业传奇**(League of Legends)电子竞技队,他们在经历了多年的近距离接触和心痛之后,正在追求首次冠军。为了赢得这一切,他们需要他们的神童,一个17岁的新秀,和他们27岁的老兵,放下自我,同心协力。
电子伏特加*茶 2022-06-22
我的第一份union *** 给我带来了巨大的痛苦的同时也带来了巨大的成就感 希望观众会喜欢吧
Vicebear 2022-07-05