Scott and his dim-witted companion, Joel (Local residents of the Cambridge area) are enlisted to **** out in purchasing an old VW Campervan by an unlikely buyer - Scott's slightly estranged, Uncle George. The ****** lives of the rural Cambridge residents, Scott and Joel, are transformed rather quickly when they're suddenly confronted with the reality that Uncle George might be ...
死一般寂静© 2022-07-07
生人勿近 特意查了一下影片名字,源自英语中的一个俗语,所以这个翻译就不够准确了。 至于电影本身,很熟悉的英式黑色喜剧,多线叙事,可惜逻辑不够清晰,动机也有些问题,不够推动整个**的发展,因此故事性就比较勉强,没有太多说*力。比较失望,不值得看。
逆来 2023-07-22