Retard-O-Tron 2在线观看

Retard-O-Tron 2

  • 上映年代:2008  
  • 别名:Retard-o-tron Video Mixtape Vol. 2
  • 类型:喜剧
  • 地区:加拿大
  • 更新时间:

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《Retard-O-Tron 2》又名Retard-o-tron Video Mixtape Vol. 2。

I don't even know how to go about describing this. Go look for some online reviews. It's just nuts, is all. It's basically a video mixtape of all different forms of ***** put in a blender, and made into a whole new thing that just blows not only your mind, but your sanity. This is the perfect thing to put on at a ***** if you have really REALLY weird friends. Try it and see if ...


驸马🌊 2022-05-18

本片施瓦辛格出现多次,有电影《力王》《女虐》等一系列猎奇视* 精髓:222次oh yeah~、诺基亚手机从月工门出来

新一 2024-02-13

开幕雷击×2。**迷惑行为大赏,十分滑稽的** 魔性bgm,地狱笑话,街头行为艺术,唱跳rap等应有尽有。🇯🇵广告还是一如既往逗比,好多处作死片段都可以做搞笑续集了。**段无感,除了白丝 标记几个有意思的片段 辣么🙌大的奈子夹铁桶;一处血镜头很喜欢【19:45】;**自动斐济悲;虫子榨汁然后喝掉;催吐洗脸;以吸du的方式*** ;脑袋上长好多奈子(动画);拔13毛吃掉;《女虐》血腥桥段【1:12:14】;《力王》血腥桥段【1:31:18】

ToastDog 2022-11-02

感谢**分享 三部已收藏 蛮有意思的片子 收录了很多不同的素材