Eva, an impressionable film student, befriends a charismatic performance artist named Mia who quickly captures her imagination. As Eva moves in with Mia and their lives grow **** entwined, Eva embarks on a journey of awakening, haunted by dreams, fantasy and ghosts. Petrol is a story of a haunted friendship between two young women, discovering the world and themselves through a...
王好吃 2023-03-31
想来我也不是对实验没有耐心 但总觉得很不舒适……
外人 2022-11-04
爱冷 2023-04-03
3.5 超拔日常的神奇时刻令人感动
Tara 2022-10-10
在墨大读书的感觉全部都回来了 聊天的内容 氛围 场景 啊 。。结尾结得太拖拉了 瞬间就有了学生作品的感觉
Marutvat 2022-08-16