In the Faroe Islands, the ritual slaughter of pilot whales leads to the confrontation between Faroese whalers and Sea Shepherd activists; forcing us to question our consideration for animal life.
Valuska 2022-05-21
#Cannes22 NO.16 6.5/10 I rarely feel this uncomfortable and angry watching a film. It is definitely informative especially the local culture of the slaughter. This film should add a trigger warning.
L'llariit 2022-11-05
导演似乎不愿意暴露他的立场,也无意站队法罗群岛当地环境学家所言,最终把聚焦点转移倒向Sea shepherd留下“不偏不倚”的印象,近距离观察这段围捕,**,分肉以及其中儿童的参与度,对儿童的教育,对我不算“骇人视听”,人口基数如此很难挖出多大料,全片出色的摄影以及部分构图(*着一嘴鱼的puffin),前面提到的一次“阶级差异”,也是个对北欧福利体系,资本积累的观察镜
旺興酒家 2022-02-17
films boutique (private screening) fevrier