What would have happened if the Neanderthals had prevailed over Homo Sapiens? How would our species have evolved? How does art relate to evolution, and why in the world does evolution behave like a bricoleur? Last of all, just what does Marcel Duchamp have to do with all of this? This film is neither a documentary nor a portrait of the artist Pablo Echaurren; it’s a kaleidoscop...
我情绪零碎KAI 2022-09-07
从艺术漫谈到考古 趣味假设在前但时刻有早八的错觉
阿飞 2022-09-09
#79th Venezia#Giornate degli Autori 视***,非专业领域研究者看起来略枯燥。
呆萌喵星人 2022-09-06
#Venezia79 不大像是严格意义上的纪录片,不过讨论的内容倒也有意思:假若当时尼安德特人战胜了智人,会发生什么?**感很强烈,虽然确实点故弄玄虚(噱头)了。很多用词都非常的学术,当是做了一篇SAT阅读吧lol
Gooner🌈 2022-09-06
从留有原始人岩画的洞**打开一扇门**现代世界的停车场时 有一种穿越的感觉