老五这集的造型比平常帅气不少,Turlough走前卖了下肉。Turlough回家了,"I don't want to go, Doctor."前一集Tegan的离开游移而悲恸,而这集Turlough眼里全是不舍,“帮我照顾好博士啊,他总被卷进麻烦事里。”qaq
Loxias 2012-02-28
The borrower ******。Doctor活烧亲夫(啥...)实在是叫人发指,联想10th后来哭成那个死样子,肯定是这一回唬怕了吧!Turlough和Doctor的组合很美好,想来编剧终于想起来要给他添加性格了...一直对这位博士感情平淡,最后这些集看下来,倒是真的同情和不舍...
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2020-11-22
religion and the sense of abandonment...messy script crammed with so many different threads and people, with the old to be disposed of and new ones to be introduced...at the tail end of an era. Turlough finally gets to do something quite useful as a companion though. Oh and Peri in a bikini gazed from bottom to top, plus Turlough's legs.
杯具的诞生 2012-09-26
******啊,卡米伦啊,这集真不错,之前还有难得博士换了衣*……特罗也换衣*了,还从海边把**的Peri捡回来了,可惜5th无福消受,马上就要死了……博士就那么看着在火中燃烧的******求助却不作为……这集的幕后有特罗的演员和Peri的演员泳装pose神**……天气肯定蛮热,PD肯定很辛苦= =
SundanceKid🌈 2016-02-10
老五这集的造型比平常帅气不少,Turlough走前卖了下肉。Turlough回家了,"I don't want to go, Doctor."前一集Tegan的离开游移而悲恸,而这集Turlough眼里全是不舍,“帮我照顾好博士啊,他总被卷进麻烦事里。”qaq
Loxias 2012-02-28
The borrower ******。Doctor活烧亲夫(啥...)实在是叫人发指,联想10th后来哭成那个死样子,肯定是这一回唬怕了吧!Turlough和Doctor的组合很美好,想来编剧终于想起来要给他添加性格了...一直对这位博士感情平淡,最后这些集看下来,倒是真的同情和不舍...
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2020-11-22
religion and the sense of abandonment...messy script crammed with so many different threads and people, with the old to be disposed of and new ones to be introduced...at the tail end of an era. Turlough finally gets to do something quite useful as a companion though. Oh and Peri in a bikini gazed from bottom to top, plus Turlough's legs.
HY是AS 2015-10-20
这集有新女伴peri,特别萌她的口音~ ******也上线了。但是Turlough离开了,明显他还挺舍不得的,结**士一副大义凛然放孩子走的态度QAQ,turlough临走前还让peri照顾好博士,结果下集就重生了……