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浓眉大眼的犹太小胖还蛮可爱的 他一场吼下来对嗓子消耗很大吧 *highlight: 对约会picky, 有创意的gender reveal *****, travel show idea - 全世界哪里的阿姨最会complain*
right amount of judgemental and rage
Judgmental but funny, kinda have to be judgmental to be funny? Otherwise what is the difference between different things.
Don’t appreciate the shouting; generally relatable
水包酱 2023-08-21
浓眉大眼的犹太小胖还蛮可爱的 他一场吼下来对嗓子消耗很大吧 *highlight: 对约会picky, 有创意的gender reveal *****, travel show idea - 全世界哪里的阿姨最会complain*
达达主义 2023-08-20
right amount of judgemental and rage
木村拓哉SSS 2023-08-27
Judgmental but funny, kinda have to be judgmental to be funny? Otherwise what is the difference between different things.
小谭不冒饭 2023-08-17
kamera 2024-01-03
Don’t appreciate the shouting; generally relatable