这个我也还真看过、、(fyi they all doing this ** he is SUPER RICH AND I DIDNT SEE BILL BURRRR 😡😡😡😡😡 ys is BILL not invited 😟😟😟😟😟 and Thats exactly y I had to find 3 **** of his shitty movies to offset this weird (somehow) loss feeling 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲)
chillaxmoni 2024-05-13
Love it. You just can’t say a single bad word about this guy, I can’t.
蚂蚁没问题 2024-05-13
其实算不上Kevin Hart粉,但能让Dave Chappelle、Chris Rock、宋飞都来捧场,别的不说,人缘是真不错,大家也挺真情流露的,其乐融融,**喜喜,结尾Kevin Hart上台领奖说的那番话,比他之前所有单口喜剧的段子都更让我印象深刻。
McFly 2024-05-13
闸蟹大拿 2024-05-18
霜 2024-05-13
我怎么这么喜欢看这种其乐融融的喜剧**联欢。看完觉得,至少这一晚,世界真美好,空气中洋溢着爱,这个剧场之外的垃圾事儿都不存在。I don’t even like Kevin Hart…
Tuscano 2024-05-13
Kevin Hart是好莱坞历史上最成功的industry plant之一,有天赋,但也是他所有师兄弟里垫底的,成功不靠水平靠圆滑
小狗狗在休息噢 2024-05-14
dw 2024-05-14
I do like him just don't really dig his movies
小谭不冒饭 2024-05-14
🍄 2024-06-17
这个我也还真看过、、(fyi they all doing this ** he is SUPER RICH AND I DIDNT SEE BILL BURRRR 😡😡😡😡😡 ys is BILL not invited 😟😟😟😟😟 and Thats exactly y I had to find 3 **** of his shitty movies to offset this weird (somehow) loss feeling 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲)
chillaxmoni 2024-05-13
Love it. You just can’t say a single bad word about this guy, I can’t.