Dan Cruickshank explores the mysteries and secrets of the bridges that have made London what it is. He uncovers stories of bronze-age relics emerging from the Vauxhall shore, of why London Bridge was falling down, of midnight corpses splashing beneath Waterloo Bridge, and above all, of the sublime ambition of London's bridge builders themselves.
青山眉黛 2013-01-27
#公开探索***# 018 4.5 1.最早建桥是为与神明沟通 2.第一座London bridge是形如佛罗伦萨老桥那样其上充满住家店铺的,London bridge is falling down的童谣是讽刺皇帝挪用桥梁**税款做皇后的脂粉钱 3.如今的London bridge是第三座,两端塔桥是仿古的钢结构建筑。
弥呀 2012-12-13
原来的有过一版像佛罗伦萨老桥一样的London Bridge存在过啊,现在的真心难看...
麦田守望 2013-11-18
London bridge is falling down的童谣是讽刺皇帝挪用桥梁**税款做皇后的脂粉钱
老无相功 2012-07-30
kodokoja 2013-03-24
海棠一生 2013-06-27
芨芨草 2023-01-26
Bridges in the ****, a **** inside a ****; an inhabitable bridge vs. a bridge for London pedestrians
盛开了 2013-03-30
these crossings became not only a vehicle for loyal and political display, they helped London become, to ** mind, the greatest **** in the world.
ZhnWang 2013-03-11
fomalhaut 2013-02-12