This documentary tells the story behind the ****** of Kubrick's rich tale of psychological horror and supernatural evil. It also explores why the film stands the **** of time and why The Shining continues to dazzle and terrify audiences, **** than two decades after its release.
-suguru- 2020-01-15
喷子 2011-07-24
Vini_Kazma 2012-04-22
This documentary tells the story behind the ****** of Kubrick's rich tale of psychological horror and supernatural evil. It also explores why the film stands the **** of time and why The Shining continues to dazzle and terrify audiences, **** than two decades after its release.
狐 2008-01-28
somnambuleNRR6 2012-03-17
Perfectionism do's: O.K., do it again! Keeping rolling.
stknight 2011-08-05
This documentary tells the story behind the ****** of Kubrick's rich tale of psychological horror and supernatural evil. It also explores why the film stands the **** of time and why The Shining continues to dazzle and terrify audiences, **** than two decades after its release.
直 2012-10-07
不看不知道 一看吓一跳 斯坦 如此的厉害 。。。
mecca 2015-04-20
出来很多幕后大咖,包括编剧和斯坦尼康的发明人。把原片惊心动魄的片段和这些精到评介间错剪起来,既有信息量又贴近原片风味的一部纪录片。 Supernatural × psychological. Reflects the thoughts and beings of an era.
_retour 2020-05-20
ρccρρccρ 2011-08-03