Alexander McQueen had the kind of fashion genius that only comes around once in a generation. He reinvented the catwalk and created clothes that shocked and thrilled his audience. This dramatic and elegantly shot film tells McQueen's story, by examining critical relationships - most significantly with the eccentric stylist Isabella ****, who was credited with discovering McQuee...
sarah🇺🇦 2013-09-03
fashion made him n fashion killed him? couldn't understand all that fuss....
Danny 2016-04-26
Sabrina 2019-01-28
麦昆不仅仅是*装设计师了,他就是艺术家。比同期的那几位高太多了。我的见识有限,觉得他的设计和秀的表现力上,都强于比他年长的还健在的Armani, Karl Legerfeld, Valentino。他跟Chanel, ***,**同列都丝毫不逊色的。
一只羊 2013-06-16
ushio 2018-01-18
看完感觉不应该为当代设计师灵感的贫瘠找借口(Isabella ****婚纱超美
晨光熹微 2018-01-26
Resonance 2015-07-14
看到了一个时尚行业有血有肉的人。其实我们都是平凡人。Legend and depression. 你知道我有多努力吗?你们总是在judge。But do you really care, do you really understand?
murdline 2013-02-15
****://***.tudou****/programs/view/IRfZUQGq_dU/ lee过世,isabella也过世,lacroix关闭高定线,大牌换水,那些老不死都死了。。还有谁能撑住这一切。。只问一句:艺术与美,谁还在坚持。。
vincent 2019-02-22
Yuanbaeee 2013-09-28
he was born for beauty, and he died in beauty