"Which Way Home" is a feature documentary film that follows unaccompanied child migrants, on their journey through Mexico, as they try to reach the United States. We follow children like Olga and Freddy, nine-year old Hondurans, who are desperately trying to reach their parents in the US.; children like Jose, a ten-year old El Salvadoran, who has been abandoned by smugglers and...
柏林苍穹下 2011-09-20
肥皂侠 2011-03-20
在狭小的空间 单一的** 苍白的人物之间如何游刃有余的把持结构和叙事
LORENZO 洛伦佐 2011-02-28
bugz 2014-11-08
老公公 2010-04-07
Speechless. World is unfair. And with this, it's not just an abstract idea. It's unfairness in your face.
拌橙一夏 2014-05-11
SuperNovae 2011-12-06
anthropology上放的,professor是研究mexican migration的。。breath-taking, thought-provoking...
[已注销] 2015-02-16
kettye 2011-01-28
喜欢。他们在Mexico没有真正意义的家,他们觉得自己根本没有存在的意义。于是,四个伙伴,搭上了他们戏称为ride the beast的艰难历程,他们可以在上面奔跑,攀爬,危险,可他们感受到确是自由的飞翔。有的中途退出了,有的穿越了沙漠却没有得到他想象中的生活。怜惜!
Cielo Blu 2021-08-04
"But to cross the desert for a few dollars that maybe I'll earn only to be sent back to ** country, I am better off suffering in ** own country and not meet ** end in that desert."