无字幕画质差,倍速*看。Tarkovsky expounds on his life and work, the essential importance of fighting, the conceptual nonexistence of happiness, what childhood determines about us, wartime's impact on fantasies, and the salutary effects of a year laboring in Siberia.
*** Katze 2018-12-11
cantabile 2020-11-30
看過的最好的塔可夫斯基訪談,他說話總是簡潔精確又流暢(******* 99分鐘版本)
Charles 2022-09-25
7🌟(99min) 安德烈好认真和真诚的在回答**问题,此外记者问的也好。
stknight 2020-05-28
无字幕画质差,倍速*看。Tarkovsky expounds on his life and work, the essential importance of fighting, the conceptual nonexistence of happiness, what childhood determines about us, wartime's impact on fantasies, and the salutary effects of a year laboring in Siberia.
Semven 2024-03-15
1 2013-09-29
***.***********/watch?v=PTvIybrtMqU 完整版
丁一 2022-12-19
熊仔俠 2012-02-18
《老塔列傳》+《永別塔可夫斯基》+ 諸片經典片段剪輯;開頭有若干分鐘的舉殯錄像。
Orpheus 2009-10-20