分析尤金奥尼尔的人生历程何以让他写出The Iceman Cometh和Long Day's Journey Into Night。特色是请一批演员朗读两部戏重要片段,唯一剧场实拍的是03年长夜Vanessa Redgrave和Robert Sean Leonard的两段独白(但是浅尝即止反而更渴了!
FF 2012-10-18
看片的两个小时没有一分钟不在感谢自己的好运气,在玻璃盒子里一边看The Iceman Cometh和Long Day's Journey into Night一边拼命忍着眼泪的那两个下午真真是我生命中最震撼的艺术体验之一。惟愿某日能够鸳梦重温,而那梦里也依然有***金童温柔却充满力量的声**常含热泪的褐色眼睛。
「 The past is the present, isn't it? And it is the future, too 」
经年累月 2013-01-06
I've listened to this documentary for uncountable times. What does it cost to be an artist? O'neil gives you an answer.A poignant depiction of the first ***** American playwright's life story. Each time it moves me to tears, unfailingly
paradiso 2011-11-16
分析尤金奥尼尔的人生历程何以让他写出The Iceman Cometh和Long Day's Journey Into Night。特色是请一批演员朗读两部戏重要片段,唯一剧场实拍的是03年长夜Vanessa Redgrave和Robert Sean Leonard的两段独白(但是浅尝即止反而更渴了!
FF 2012-10-18
看片的两个小时没有一分钟不在感谢自己的好运气,在玻璃盒子里一边看The Iceman Cometh和Long Day's Journey into Night一边拼命忍着眼泪的那两个下午真真是我生命中最震撼的艺术体验之一。惟愿某日能够鸳梦重温,而那梦里也依然有***金童温柔却充满力量的声**常含热泪的褐色眼睛。
猫眼睛 2012-11-27
janis 2014-01-02
luoshu 2010-07-30
EmptySpaceX 2020-10-09
「 The past is the present, isn't it? And it is the future, too 」
经年累月 2013-01-06
I've listened to this documentary for uncountable times. What does it cost to be an artist? O'neil gives you an answer.A poignant depiction of the first ***** American playwright's life story. Each time it moves me to tears, unfailingly