教授说Tortorici case就不该开庭,但我觉得问题更多在于: By law, Judge was not permitted to tell the jury what would happen to Tortorici if they found him not responsible. The jury would never know that Tortorici would spend as much time locked up in a hospital as he would in prison. 这固然是procedurally判罪与判罚的区分,但实际上却引导了jury选择最终的刑罚。确实,the judicial ****** failed Tortorici
WX 2020-04-14
教授说Tortorici case就不该开庭,但我觉得问题更多在于: By law, Judge was not permitted to tell the jury what would happen to Tortorici if they found him not responsible. The jury would never know that Tortorici would spend as much time locked up in a hospital as he would in prison. 这固然是procedurally判罪与判罚的区分,但实际上却引导了jury选择最终的刑罚。确实,the judicial ****** failed Tortorici