Who is watching who in the zoo? Is it the visitors watching the animals, or do the animals consider the visitors to be a nice view. Dutch director Bert Haanstra placed hidden cameras in the Artis Zoo in Amsterdam, filming both the reactions of animal and man on eachother.
一根鸡毛菜 2022-04-17
介意 2018-09-29
We simply are not entitled to side with animals, or are we?
看不见的城市 2010-11-23
stknight 2012-03-04
Who is watching who in the zoo? Is it the visitors watching the animals, or do the animals consider the visitors to be a nice view. Dutch director Bert Haanstra placed hidden cameras in the Artis Zoo in Amsterdam, filming both the reactions of animal and man on eachother.
一根鸡毛菜 2022-04-17
介意 2018-09-29
We simply are not entitled to side with animals, or are we?
木果 2018-05-28
蓝色**星球 2020-12-15
漩涡之外 2024-04-22
nobody💫 2018-11-13
“纪录片” 交叉剪辑的无穷魅力 可爱异常。短短十分钟 就会让人产生想回到过去的想法 哪怕是六零年代 你看不管男女老少 是人还是动物 都那么考究那么decent。
还在* 2019-01-05
kubrick215 2015-03-28
很有意思 虽然有点点卖弄 相比新浪潮那个姓马克那哥们的动物园的悲凉气氛 这部动物园颇有些人与自然和谐共处的戏谑劲 爵士乐的随意劲太适合这种风情画似的街拍剪出来的片子了