Ydessa Hendeles' exhibition entitled "The living and the Artificial" (consisting of works of art all comprising a photograph of living persons in the company of one or several teddy bears) had puzzled Agnès Varda so much that she decided to go to Toronto where the artist lives and interview her. In front of Agnes Varda's DV camera, Ydessa tells about the singularity of her arti...
Sabrina 2018-02-03
深夜声噎 2017-12-24
shock. 20171224@广州奇遇书店通宵放映瓦尔达合辑光碟之16短片合集
P.s I love you 2023-01-24
01/22/2023 - 01/23/2023, @ The Criterion Channel. 如临其境。死亡的氛围笼罩。第三个展厅里跪着的雕塑,光是那个恶魔的脸就激起了我强烈的身体反应,就让我愤怒。“Faced with such obsessive energy, such patience and meticulousness. Plus the immensity of the kitchen and the enormity of the *******, the length of Ydessa’s red hair, and the length of the “railroad”, I was overcome by dizziness.”
胤祥 2012-03-16
[己注销] 2022-05-31
Scarlett S 2012-04-22
拥有一片大花园 2021-04-20
moondust 2023-11-09
泰迪熊沉重的历史,Ydessa 真有意思。
stknight 2012-03-24
Ydessa, les ours ** etc.(Ydessa, the Bears and etc.) is a documentary about Toronto, Canada curator-artist Ydessa Hendeles and her exhibit Partners (The Teddy Bear *******) (2002). The exhibit largely consists of hundreds of pre-1945 photographs of people with their teddy bears.
沁云 2013-06-23