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《丽塔·海华丝传》又名The Biography of Rita Hayworth。
A documentary on the legendary and tragic life of Rita Hayworth.
"Whatever you write about me, don't make it sad."**柔软善良又脆弱的心被这个残酷的世界捏得粉碎,短短一个小时哪够阐释她悲情的一生。
She seems to spend much of her life escaping the manipulation of men, the trap in her fame, and in the end, the prison of her own mind.
真的是才知道Rita晚年那么造孽哟😭其实她和Ingrid Bergman都是很害羞的** 不过后者较为坚强更有野心 Best wishes, ** love godness Rita Hayworth.❤️
a little mark 2015-08-26
"Whatever you write about me, don't make it sad."**柔软善良又脆弱的心被这个残酷的世界捏得粉碎,短短一个小时哪够阐释她悲情的一生。
基顿不抹口红 2017-04-15
She seems to spend much of her life escaping the manipulation of men, the trap in her fame, and in the end, the prison of her own mind.
Harvipolard 2013-10-11
even 2016-12-24
真的是才知道Rita晚年那么造孽哟😭其实她和Ingrid Bergman都是很害羞的** 不过后者较为坚强更有野心 Best wishes, ** love godness Rita Hayworth.❤️