Actor Nigel Havers, who played Lord Andrew Lindsay, uncovers the true story behind the Oscar-winning movie Chariots of Fire. The film traced the story of Harold Abrahams and Eric Liddell, who both won gold medals at the 1924 Olympics in Paris. Nigel follows in their footsteps as he travels to Cambridge, Edinburgh and Paris to meet their daughters and uncover rare archive materi...
signor_chi 2012-08-03
其實我更關心Nigel Havers所本的Lord Burghley,但是他與兩位主角的年代有幾年落差,不好當主角。而且Lord Burghley算是屬於人生的勝利組了,故事不夠勵志。
寂寞的小水怪 2012-10-09
cat 2012-08-09
lord lindsay的原型其实是第一个在12声钟响内绕校一周的人
sarah🇺🇦 2014-05-27
如果民國的法律有automatic birthright citizenship,那Eric Liddell就即是中華民國人又是蘇格蘭人了。。。
汪星间谍 2012-09-04