N Is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdős is a 1993 documentary directed by George Paul Csicsery about the life of mathematician Paul Erdős. Erdős himself appears in the film. As of 2007, using the official cast list in the credits, it gives Erdős a Bacon number (and thus Erdős-Bacon number) of 4. However, Sir Alec Guinness, identified by name by the narrator, appears in the film...
Dr.郭 2023-02-10
晗 2017-01-21
很動人的紀錄片啊。"I can't stand sexual pleasure"...是他這麼厲害的原因麼。。
嚛 2011-07-27
there maybe two common fate of mathematicians, one is keeping brilliant intelligence in very old age, and the other is going crazy and then died quietly
枝细胞 2022-04-05
鱼尾巴 2012-02-04
sevennick 2011-12-25
每次想到我的Erdos number还是正无穷,我就很伤感。
ふふちゃん 2013-06-03
Zoe 2019-05-30
"The Book is there.. The theorems have existence of their own. We are merely trying to uncover and read the pages.... We don't ****** mathematics... It doesn't matter who solves the problem. All of us just try to uncover the **** of the Book, decipher this whisper from the other world. "
Clara 2019-05-13
为数学而生,为数学活着,最后死在数学研讨会期间,真是可敬的数学家。可惜以后不会再有新的Erdős number = 1出现了
MrVeritas 2013-05-17