The inmates and guards of a modern, clean and efficient maximum security wing are slowly and increasingly brutalised until they erupt in violence. Dark and macabre, and based in truth, the story is told in a traditional dramatic style combined with telephone interviews and narration. Australian director John Hillcoat's debut feature film, featuring an original score written and...
ryan 2010-03-04
基本上我可以說這是無甚劇情版的oz 偏向於紀錄片 講述監獄lockdown前的林林總總 imdb的評論高分滿天飛 不知道是環境不同 還是年齡差距 我不覺得暴力血腥 沒什麼深層次的沖擊 可能是習慣了中國的無需寬恕 無需同情 就算如片中走進一個看似單純的也被染得面目全非 中國沒有上帝