WHEN BOYS FLY is an intriguing, entertaining, and sometimes harrowing documentary on the Circuit ***** scene, particularly the annual festivities that take place in Miami Beach. The characters we meet range from mere boys to men, but each of them are in search of the ultimate high - a non-stop marathon of music, dancing, ***, drugs, and **** ***. But what happens when the music...
ryan 2010-09-07
its rather depressing. whats the happiness 4 *** dudes w/o family w/o kids? easy to **** than make friends. face to the regular world sucks.
mOco 2008-08-01
西宇 2013-01-19
这是个严肃纪录片,讲述了2002年3个***青年去迈阿密参加一个盛大*** *****中各自的故事。 有一个在这个*****发现新生活,找到group. 另一个对***的感情更加不信任并且寻找新的快乐。有个本该是最玩得开的人却没有得到开心。 甚至有人因为drug而丧命。
owen 2008-02-19
飞哥的咖啡 2015-11-26
博格达梦落 2008-07-11
话说是**吗 没有字幕我看不懂的说……
空之目 2023-12-04
没有字幕看不懂 也没有什么美感。有几个长的不错