After he gets out of the toilets, a man is being chased by a human-sized turd, claiming to be the man's child. "Why have you abandoned me?" is the question the turd keeps on asking. First, the man is embarrassed by the annoying presence of the turd, then he slowly accepts it alongside him...
Over5 2009-04-28
sd 2010-04-09
i've just remembered this awesome piece i watched before. Michel Gondry, i also wanna do your laundry!!
U 兔 2010-01-20
翠西 。o 0 O 2010-11-20
哈哈 当你的**腻*地喊你papa!
小晨 2007-09-14
you can run but you can't hide. 呵呵 你就搞笑吧
儒雅随和的水獭 2017-05-30
小空 2020-11-06
苗儿 2011-09-03
依然 2021-01-22
Do you miss her?Well,of course,I do再看一遍电影 还是很好哭
木木木 2020-11-24
只看男女主在一起的画面,真的觉得好浪漫啊[二哈] “我遇见那么多人,可为什么偏偏是你,看起来最应该是过客的你,却在我心里占据这么重要的位子。” “我想找个人说说话 不是找个人 就想和你说”