1918-09-29,债券。Half-reel made for the Liberty Loan Committee and distributed free throughout the country. The actors show that bonds of friendship, love and marriage are inspiring but the most important bonds of all are Liberty Bonds, the blockbuster which will knock out the K
乌云上的银边 2022-07-23
Mr.Graceless 2016-03-11
stknight 2010-10-16
1918-09-29,债券。Half-reel made for the Liberty Loan Committee and distributed free throughout the country. The actors show that bonds of friendship, love and marriage are inspiring but the most important bonds of all are Liberty Bonds, the blockbuster which will knock out the K
大卫艾伦森 2020-11-11
木易 2021-04-11
LJ英B版蓝光花絮 没有修复 没有声音 用丘比特开场 用宣传战争债券结束 那个被普鲁士军官欺负的美国女性真像哥伦比亚的标志
Panda的影音 2022-01-21
债券 The Bond (1918):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV195411W7xH?p=47
一"一 2008-05-16
Charlie Chaplin's 64th Film Released Sept. 29 1918.
吃点好的 2024-02-10
Kenny 2016-06-29
李杨白梦 2008-06-16