《仙镜王国》又名Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors。
苏联著名**/童话电影导演Aleksandr Rou的作品. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors bears unavoidable similarities to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; a little girl suddenly finds herself in a strange world with ruthless royalty who aren't shy when it comes to executions. There's also a cat, but it functions **** like Alice's cat Dinah than the Cheshire Cat. And though it may be due to the fact I saw a...
🦋 2022-11-30
小女孩太可爱了 虽然叽里咕噜的听不懂她们说什么但是真的太可爱了
NoirSky 2009-06-15
3.7. 布景,人物的设定有意思,挺简单的童话故事~
007v 2020-12-30
IY/ minister kite的女儿reptile在**主角跟她回家的时候把桃子啃了一口就丢掉了好浪费好讨厌啊/国王问算术题,厨子说‘我害羞’,于是大家都转过身去。啊,可爱。
Sylvia 2019-12-15
在Aeroflot上看的,scenic design很不錯,有點caligari的感覺,意外地有點plato’s cave的元素,還挺political的,但多多少少structure上有點過於closed,所以didactic得有點明顯