Director Johan Grimonprez casts Alfred Hitchcock as a paranoid history professor, unwittingly caught up in a double take on the cold war period. Subverting a meticulous array of TV footage and using 'The Birds' as an essential metaphor, DOUBLE TAKE traces catastrophe culture's relentless assault on the home, from moving images' inception to the present day.
合纥 2013-04-27
希区柯克无疑只是个引子,所以“双重希区柯克”的译名很容易误导为是一部个人传记式的纪录片,其实电影的潜台词是希区柯克的悬疑惊悚片和冷战意识的共同点:推销作为商品的恐惧。作为docu-fiction的essay film,个人化的痕迹十分强,如果观念和风格不够犀利的话,实在容易带入平淡无奇。
Cherry Chi 2011-01-31
lue 2018-03-29
挺不错的 对archival footage的使用很weird和funny,就是感觉有点长,不是特别能看得下去