《傻冒在国外 第三季》又名傻瓜游记。
An Idiot Abroad is coming back - and this time Karl has a friend joining him, as Warwick Davis joins him on another epic journey. After sending Karl Pilkington to see the Seven Wonders, and then on a journey of a lifetime to experience the ultimate ‘Things To Do Before You ***’, Ricky Gervais has now persuaded Karl to embark on an epic journey following the footsteps of famous ...
Miss Coconut 2013-02-17
罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉 2012-12-24
看到印度连体姐妹那里的时候我突然意识到,这整个剧就是一个伪装之下的怪胎秀,相比之下K所有毫无顾忌的冒犯之言加起来都不如RG那道貌岸然的嘴脸恶劣。K觉得加入连体姐妹的展览没有任何不妥,因为他知道他早就已经处在一个以他为中心的Big Bloody Freak Show之中了。不想说得这么沉重,我只是讨厌RG.
Sailor Moon 2020-04-20
为什么要加那位侏儒朋友进来 卡尔一个人就好了
byefelicia 2017-07-29
In a way, you're better off being the ugly one, and you get to look at nice things. You're looking at the nicer-looking people. Be the ugly one. Look at the nice one.
虞葱葱 2018-12-26
this closeminded idiotic loud twat, Warwick.
Moonmous 2015-07-07
小扣柴扉就不开 2023-06-20
Karl is even encouraging others. such brilliant change!
西南城角 2016-05-02
sto 2015-07-06
stream 2016-12-30