s part of the Dangerous Pleasures season, this three-part series looks at the biological process behind three of the most commonly used recreational drugs - cannabis, ******* and ecstasy. Using groundbreaking CGI this episode follows the effect of ecstasy on the human body. Over the past 30 years ecstasy has become one of the world's most notorious drugs. No other illegal subst...
橙子换马甲 2013-02-06
**约1/10的人会bad trip…ecstasy药用价值看起来不错但要先风险评估…***会造成兴奋点提升,1/5成瘾率,曾是合法药物,目前在英国街头售价每克40磅起(**不保证),鼻子吸多了会烂出大洞== 作为保守的中年人还是觉得这片有glamorise倾向…****://***.douban****/note/261665425/
Melchizedek 2012-10-14
cannabis, ecstasy, *******......love them all....