A film critic accidentally kills his lover during a spat in which she falls and hits her head. In panic, he immediately covers up his involvement and leaves the apartment. A private investigator had been tailing the woman for her ex-husband. Realizing what happened, the investigator launches a blackmail scheme. The critic turns the tables after the investigator turns in his rep...
畸小山 2008-08-11
这是一部拥有影迷倾向的黑色喜剧,你看过的黑色电影越多,能从中得到的乐趣也就越多。当然,这亦是又一部讽刺影评人的电影。于是,恰巧你还旁敲侧击地搞过电影评论工作的话,那么相信你比单纯的影迷会得到更多的乐趣。由William H. Macy饰演的忙碌影评人,在我妈看来就是一个十足的大骗子。而她恰巧说出了全片的主旨与真相:即影评人都是大骗子,不要相信他们。
minyee13 2009-02-13
不知为何情不自禁地要力荐 很精彩又有喜感的小剧 还能复习希区风格~~
andie5 2010-12-12
Calm_73 2014-03-16