The Practice focused on the meijubar**** law firm of Robert Donnell and Associates (later becoming Donnell, Young, Dole, & Frutt, and ultimately Young, Frutt, & Berluti). Plots typically featured the firm's involvement in various high-profile criminal and civil cases that often mirrored current events at the time of the episodes' initial broadcast. Conflict between legal ethics...
马不是好马 2020-05-02
茜 2013-04-16
momo 2021-02-16
Ks 2013-06-19
Practice基本上把所有GA的人都请来了是不 这集终于结束了 故事开始无聊 可怜的小BOBBY爸妈最终没能在一起 没想到JAMIE能同YOUNG在一起
在水之涘 2015-02-10
Linsay and Bobby didn't work out...
魄辰 2021-04-21
EP19 I’ve been accused of craving isolation. Maybe I became desperate to share anything with anybody for emotionally void.
echo1943 2013-12-21
好忧桑。。lindsay and bobby ..didn't work out
太**的行星 2023-01-03
终于有女孩能逗笑尤金了,他笑起来太好看。 Lucy和Bec这一季戏份太少~
臣本布衣 2017-08-01
lindsey doyle 天天打murder case 放***出来继续** 你的良心不会痛吗 我突然发现Lindsey好像很享受被serial killer宠坏的感觉 which is very terrifying 这季确实很奇怪 回忆几年前律所建立的时候,我当时都还在大学,现在,时移世易了。
** 2023-01-03
因为不想看Bobby和Lindsay最后走向** 所以这一季看得格外慢。但最终还是拖拖拉拉地把第七季看完了。最后一集的结尾回放了第一季的片段,好怀念啊。那时候大家都还年轻,怀有希望和热情。现在看真的有点唏嘘…I am gonna take this season as the finale of the story