After becoming engaged to Emily, Gabe finds himself watching a graceful pair of dancers in a dance studio window. Hoping to learn to dance for his upcoming wedding, Gabe enters the studio to take lessons. While interested in his dance teacher, he finds that he is still looking forward to his wedding, but things change ......
ღ 2020-12-18
两队恋人双双**真是一点都不浪漫 我5星纯粹是为了给**
小悬子 2016-09-14
2016.09.14 赏心悦目,实在是赏心悦目,导致片中那些生硬的狗血也变得可以原谅了。Campbell Scott真心有种“白马王子”的感觉,哪怕演的只是心理医生。
YYYs 2011-09-16
Shall We Dance?有木有!**美丽亲切的角色,难得男主配得有火花啊! Campbell叔和**在Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle也演**,之后在Roger Dodger碰头。
tinseltown 2017-11-08
卢子鱼酱 2013-02-17
完全是为了我偶像 也没个中文字幕这个累啊 看的我