新电影集合为您提供Nothing But Beat,在线点播,迅雷下载。
从地下DJ到世界超级明星,独家展示舞台之下David Guetta的生活。 Nothing But the Beat is a feature-length documentary about David Guetta, from acclaimed director Huse Monfaradi. The film focuses on David Guetta's rapid rise from house DJ to one of the world's most renowned and in-demand DJs and producers, introducing house music to a massive mainstream audience through his groundbreaking collaborations w...
Null 2020-09-21
**电影 2012-08-23
去年那张的改版专辑《Nothing but the Beat 2.0》好像**了,这部纪录片里又听到那些熟悉的音乐,他其实根本不用说那么多话,有音乐就够了!从地下DJ到超级**,首先是他的才华,然后是人人都爱DJ,谁让**音乐界R&B,Dance Music和Remix热单那么主流那么火呢。★★★★
AshtrayGem 2014-04-29
这土嗨音乐...也就喝到wasted才会听听...给本片多加一星的原因是:终于知道David Guetta是怎么发音的了="=
Olivier 2014-01-13
大爱David guetta,看的眼泪都快掉下来了,喜欢他对音乐的热爱和工作的执着,很少睡觉,work so hard,和自己的生活是多么相似
圣代 2021-02-15