「The sun n the moon n all the things go on. In spite of man. He crumbles.」「It'll take a long time to get this house right. To get it back to where it was. Mother says it will never make a comeback. It's been completely purged, brainwashed. How will it ever make a comeback?」
一愚 2010-05-08
闻人林 2009-09-30
三部都看完后心里竟有点难过。好像要告别了这可爱的少女心:) 和她的可叹生活
Q·ian·Sivan 2017-09-25
「The sun n the moon n all the things go on. In spite of man. He crumbles.」「It'll take a long time to get this house right. To get it back to where it was. Mother says it will never make a comeback. It's been completely purged, brainwashed. How will it ever make a comeback?」
独眼霹雳 2011-01-23
这是关于女性不屈不挠,**生活的伟大记录。 每一位女性都应该有一座灰色花园。
peacebitch 2012-03-02
**** musical than The Grey Gardens.
口十三白 2009-02-28
缅怀David Maysles…… 那个老妪曾有个歌唱的梦想。。。她的女儿也年轻美丽过,70年代她的穿着无论如何突破了**
费什七 2014-12-30
のり子 2014-05-09
***韦 2014-04-22
sheepfield 2012-05-17