卡老师说:The parable of the Titanic is the human arrogance, hubris, believing too big to fail, and the momentum of the huge ****** that stopped you turning. It's the perfect encapsulation of the real world of power, money and class.
unfoldway 2012-10-09
stknight 2012-11-23
今年的《泰坦尼克3D》没有去电影院看,看个卡神的纪录片弥补一下。卡神对铁达尼号还这么有热情呀,这片子拍的也太科学了吧。Engineers, architects and historians are assembled to examine why the Titanic sank, using new technology that has come to light since James Cameron's film Titanic.
lexie 2012-10-05
卡梅隆实在是太技术控了 纪录片拍的很好 讲的很严谨 可是实在是太学术了 我这种普通凡人看的稍微有些枯燥 幸好**电脑特效还是比较易懂的 但是能从技术控们的研究及他们的言语中体会到他们对泰坦尼克号的感情 香水小瓶那一段胖大叔好可爱 讲一讲给自己讲哭了 吐槽一下中文题目 整的像卡梅隆死了似的
SilentTyler 2012-10-05
vivien 2012-12-22
卡梅隆和其团队在研究Titanic**录。不是影片花絮和演员访谈。历史在不断的重复too big to fail、
**电影 2012-04-11
易 2012-10-09
好像是看imax看睡着的那个 好..像..是...
披着**的鬼 2012-10-07
值得尊敬 但结尾一升华 就做作了
Evarnold 2012-10-07
月半女史地板君 2012-05-06
卡老师说:The parable of the Titanic is the human arrogance, hubris, believing too big to fail, and the momentum of the huge ****** that stopped you turning. It's the perfect encapsulation of the real world of power, money and class.
unfoldway 2012-10-09
stknight 2012-11-23
今年的《泰坦尼克3D》没有去电影院看,看个卡神的纪录片弥补一下。卡神对铁达尼号还这么有热情呀,这片子拍的也太科学了吧。Engineers, architects and historians are assembled to examine why the Titanic sank, using new technology that has come to light since James Cameron's film Titanic.