眠去 2010-04-11
Can't take ** eyes off you:)当年Julia17岁,Heath18岁,Joe17岁,David20岁,Andrew17岁,Larisa16岁,Susan24岁
蚂蚁没问题 2008-12-15
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive ** car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read ** mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me
uncannyblue 2018-11-08
I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read ** mind. I hate the way you drive ** car. I hate it when you stare. I hate you so much,it makes me sick,it even makes me rhyme. I hate it... I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you make me laugh,even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around and the fact that you didn't call. I hate it when you lie. But mostly,I hate the way I don't hate you,not even close,not even a little bit,not even at all. 想念Heath...
狷介有乌青 2009-12-27
Heath Ledger在台阶上献歌传情那段很经典,看了很多遍,Julia Stiles比在The Prince and Me里美多了。i hate you because i love you~【i can't take ** eyes off you】ost值得收藏
Hey Johnny 2010-11-12
就像看**的电影一样,每次看到希斯的微笑心里都微痛。他蹦跳着在*场上唱着can't take ** eyes off you的时候,最后女主一边念着赌气一样的十四行诗一边流泪的时候,当然还有青涩的JGL都让这部电影有了让人爱上的理由。(很喜欢古堡一样的校园、片尾伴字幕的花絮笑喷
私房歌 2012-09-26
沉歌 2011-10-27
shu 2010-09-06
Heath Ledger已经那么帅了的时候,Joseph还没太长开,但也还是很萌,哈哈。 唱歌表白还有逃课可以说是青春片两大经典桥段。整个片感觉特L.A,原声也很在点儿上啊!
Alogon 2022-10-29
迄今为止最爱的青春片☺️驯悍记是我读过的****里最讨厌的一部,但本片改编得非常好。电影的娱乐性素来是不为正经评论家们所重视的,甚至有人认为好电影多少得带点让人不舒*的意思,以*使观众直视和思考。但能把一部电影编排得如此恰到好处,名著,青春校园,喜剧和摇滚这样单拎出来都难以驾驭的元素被完美烹调成一道适口的菜肴,整片无一处使人厌烦或压抑,却依然能带动情绪起伏,并最终落在一个晴朗快意的结尾上,功力深厚可见一斑。 另外,说句挺简单粗暴的话,这电影蛮酷的,很有品。相形之下,漂亮国现在拍的都是些什么奇形怪状的俗物啊...天天***吸粉,性别乱七八糟七扭八*的主角没点什么精神障碍就不能推动剧情发展似的🙄(亢奋我说的就是你...而且亢奋已经是这个品类里面的佼佼者了,好歹有点风格,吉瑟斯,这个世界怎么了)
静@Einfühlung 2011-06-20
想看了很久 终于看哭了But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.