1,2,3,it's kind of dangerous to be an MC,they shot 2pac and Biggie hold your head when the beat drops, Y, O~ what we love is Hip hop,not the industry,knowhatiamsayin? we are all human beings,we got emotions,that niggas scared,u see?so why u still like listen to that fake ****.
蜉蝣 2013-04-13
一般吧,峰回路转的简单案件.................那些rap真的很低劣低俗.......**** is hot的意思竟然不是*是热的,而是唱片热销....还能再粗俗点么?!?!?!
血指迪格 2012-11-21
1,2,3,it's kind of dangerous to be an MC,they shot 2pac and Biggie hold your head when the beat drops, Y, O~ what we love is Hip hop,not the industry,knowhatiamsayin? we are all human beings,we got emotions,that niggas scared,u see?so why u still like listen to that fake ****.
蜉蝣 2013-04-13
一般吧,峰回路转的简单案件.................那些rap真的很低劣低俗.......**** is hot的意思竟然不是*是热的,而是唱片热销....还能再粗俗点么?!?!?!
冰咖啡 2012-07-30
萌萌毕业了 2013-02-17
方聿南 2012-07-31
忘川先生 2012-07-26
唐书钰 2012-07-28
小虾米 2012-12-31
电影《声名狼藉先生 You're Nobody 'til Somebody Kills You 》,讲述黑人嘻哈歌手连续被杀害,寻找凶手的过程。评:【不是推理,不是惊悚,算是有剧情的匪帮说唱生活的纪录片而已,地下音乐的故事别指望用明媚的颜色拍出来,况且“嘻哈登堂,魂曷丧兮”,水平和《8 Mile》比较,是天上地下的差别】