《无边蓝色》又名Blue Has No Dimensions。
Ara has always believed she will vanish when she turns 28 years old. As her birthday approaches, she submerges in the most fundamental sensations of existence. A masterful debut film from director-writer Ágata de Pinho, whose performance leads her character from trauma to catharsis in the most beautiful way.
第46届香港国际电影节:国际短片竞赛 火鸟大奖(提名)。
胤祥 2022-02-21
#IFFR51# Short & Mid-length。自编自导自演,恍似在看一个非科幻版的《钛》……
Mr. Lei 2022-08-16
阿飞 2022-08-16
#46th HKIFF#IFFR2022 对于痛感的描绘并不如《钛》直观,但感觉已经尽力在模仿了。
Echookaku 2022-08-18
HKIFF**短片竞赛节目。L Cut做得不错。
**电影 2022-08-19
#HKIFF2022 我们来抄《钛》的作业吧
假水 2022-08-17
HKIFF46 online 蓝色很美 疼痛感也有get到 但总体没太看懂 / 为什么执着于28岁消失 安生说了只活到27岁的啊(如有冒犯 是我的错
pqkdnxbekenjsk 2022-08-26
废柴卷 2022-10-24
用户746389590 2022-08-14
indulge 2022-05-03
headless, bodiless, cease to see, cease to be. I give ** body to you, because I am yours. you will disappear at 28th. - Motherhood.