What does ******* mean? And in some cases, could it be better to be locked up, with a roof over your head and food to eat, even if you have to work for it? Dejan Petrović poses these questions indirectly in his distinctively framed impressions of an overcrowded dog shelter in Serbia, where the dogs are kept behind wire mesh in dismal pens. The observational footage is consisten...
Mr. Lei 2022-08-16
Echookaku 2022-08-17
HKIFF Online**短片竞赛节目。其实还行
阿飞 2022-08-16
#46th HKIFF#除了规训者-被规训者之间的对位/置换之外,还真就是相当普通的纪录片。
Gooner🌈 2022-08-16
最后的转场 从狗舍来到了** 一切才揭晓 原來被調教的不只是狗…